Hey 2 all my PeEpS out there. You all mean so much 2 meeh. Especially my babee, "PuDgY" Anthony Nguyen -- I LoVe YoU !! Thanx 4 always being there when I needed U. (Keep up the great work!!) And to my `lil sis, MaRgO, take care of yourself 4 meeh. AmEs, thanx for being there whenever I needed someone 2 talk 2! AnNa BaNaNa, and BeVerLy, there is no one else I`d rather live with. Thanx 4 listening 2 all my problems. To all my SwEeThEaRtS out there: You guys all mean so much to meeh. Isn`t UCSD the greatest school 2 bee at, guys? And 2 all my BuDs back in Sacramento, I miss U. Please keep in touch, guys. Life just ain`t the same without U around meeh. Stay tough and don`t let all of life`s bumps and scratches frighten U. I know U can make it guys. *HuGs `N kIsSeS* You guys are the best!

Here is a pic of meeh!

Here is a pic of my sister, Margo!!

My babes Anthony.

Here is a pic of me `n mah gurlies: Allison, Anna, Vy Meeh, Amy

Russel Wong.... WhAt A HOtTiE!!!!!!!!!!
A sketch by baby bro Andy Nguyen (sweetboii on aol). Isn`t it pretty?

Da puurrrfect place 4 a honeymoon or a vacation. *ahem* HoNeY, tAkE mE tHeRe, PuH-LEaSe? *hint*

Anna, Amy, `n Meeh!

Beverly :P

Da Boyz (U kNoW wHo U aRe)

Luv ya, bunnycutie

Since U R here, Come sign bunnycutie`s guest bookie!

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